Riich Bii

Rapping to End Violence Against Women
Rappers raise awareness on gender based violence through civic activism and dance.
A group of young musicians and music producers led by rapper Riich Bii collaborated to tackle the problems of gender based violence, stereotyping and harassment – issues which they felt were endemic in Dakar.
Knowing that their audience of 18-24 year olds, especially men, would resonate most with music and culture, they wrote an album dedicated to highlighting the issues and planned a civic action march followed by a concert to platform it.
Concerts Performed:
2Concerts Attendees:
220March Participants:
90Music as an Effective Vehicle for Social Change
The parade through the streets of the Grand Yoff arrondissement was carried during Human Rights week, and was coordinated in partnerships with other human rights and anti-GBV associations and agencies in Senegal.
Culminating in two community concerts, the project’s activities drew crowds of hundreds of people – from young boys to young men, women, girls and community leaders. Its effectiveness was seen in the engagement by the local community, who were surveyed afterwards with 89% of respondents believing the project was a useful way to raise awareness of the issue of gender based violence.
You can see more of the project on their dedicated Facebook page, including one of their songs dedicated to the issue.
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