Mehrdar Art & Production

Using the power of film to break negative stereotypes and build resilience.
This team of talented young creatives are from the neighbourhood of Lyari, Karachi a community that’s faced increasing levels of hate and extremism over the past decade. But it’s also home to a range of diverse talents and everyday people working to change the face of the community in a positive way.
Mehrdar Art & Production began their Young Cities project by reaching 300 people through their outreach sessions in Karachi. The sessions were used to communicate the team’s project goal in Lyari, screen films on social cohesion and open a space for dialogue on building community resilience to hate and using filmmaking to create social change. They also promote their capacity building programme on social media, reaching more than 40,000 people. As a result, they received over 60 applications for their workshop and selected 30 participants for their programme.
People Reached in Outreach Sessions
300People Reached through Social Media Promotion
40,000Youth Trained
30Workshops Held
12Scripts Produced
6Capacity Building Program: “Connecting Communities 2.0”
The team went on to hold 12 capacity building sessions for 30 participants at their youth center, Mehr-Ghar Lyari on filmmaking to change negative narratives around their community. Each session focused on filmmaking topics in the context of preventing extremism, team building, generating creative ideas, identifying unconscious bias, community building, practicing self-care and basic film production techniques.
Since these trainings, the group has been mentoring six teams of diverse young people to develop their own films and documentaries.
The team’s Ambassador project will focus on bringing these films to life and holding community screenings and dialogues around the city.
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Find out more about the impact of the project in Karachi.

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If you would like to find out more about our impact, or would like to discuss future opportunities, we would love to hear from you.
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