Kigoda Pwani

Researching Opportunities and Gaps for Youth Community Engagement
A research project aiming to identify why young people from Mvita are not engaging in the civic space.
There are plenty of opportunities available for young people in Mvita sub-county to get involved in civic-level projects, but many are simply not aware of their existence.
Kigoda Pwani wanted to understand why this type of information was failing to reach its audience, raise awareness among young people of which opportunities exist and work closely with Mombasa County government to improve their accessibility to young citizens.
To do so, they developed a research report, organised meetings with County government and set up standing online webinars.
Youth Surveyed
124Stakeholders Impacted
25Youth Reached
110,000Impactful Research both Offline and Online.
The research the team conducted involved surveying 124 young people from Mvita sub-county. The resulting research report concluded that in addition to better communication from local government, young people should be offered more skills-based training, entrepreneurship grants and loans and mentorship programmes.
The report was shared with 25 key stakeholders from local government, CSOs and youth groups in a series of webinars and meetings.
They further launched ten posters raising awareness of opportunities for Mvita youth on a dedicated Facebook page, which altogether reached 110,000 young people from the region.
You can download their full research report here.
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