Nakuru County

Nakuru County


Our Impact in Nakuru

We aim for relevant and strategic impact at scale. Working closely with young people in identifying the needs of their communities and the challenges they face, we ensure that the solutions we support them in developing are targeted and sustainable.

Transporting Positive Narratives through the Streets of Nakuru

A team from Naivasha sub-county empowered local motorcycle taxis as community messengers to raise awareness of the importance of non-violence ahead of the 2022 election.

Naivasha Young Turks identified ‘boda boda’ (motorcycle taxis) riders as key community messengers. The boda boda industry is diverse, and groups of boda boda drivers are active and influential in the transport sector. Owing to their intimacy with local communities and clientele, they are vulnerable to manipulation and have been used to spread misinformation and hateful narratives.

To address this challenge, the team equipped a group of boda boda riders with key skills to identify and counter hate speech and raised awareness of the importance of peace in the upcoming elections. After the trainings, the participating boda boda riders pledged to become “Peace Ambassadors” in the upcoming general elections.

They complemented this wider campaign with a road show in Naivasha North and South Lake areas, spreading the message of maintaining peace as people head to the ballots in the coming months. The dances, songs and speeches they delivered along the road have proved to be popular and memorable events, with onlookers actively joining in and requesting more events like them.

Watch: Preventing Electoral Violence in Nakuru (2022)

Nakuru Projects

Through mentorship, seed-funding and network-building, we support young people to transform ideas into tangible initiatives that make a positive change in their communities.

Kataa Kutumika! Stand for Peace! (Ambassador Grant)

Kataa Kutumika! Stand for Peace! (Ambassador Grant)

Kenya | Nakuru County

A production house raises awareness of the dangers of electoral violence, telling stories from a decade and half before.

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Naivasha Young Turks (Ambassador Grant)

Naivasha Young Turks (Ambassador Grant)

Kenya | Nakuru County

Naivasha Young Turks continued their campaign to recruit, train and deploy motorcycle taxi riders as key, credible messengers in their community of Naivasha.

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Mtaani Konnect (Ambassador Grant)

Mtaani Konnect (Ambassador Grant)

Kenya | Nakuru County

Mtaani Konnect deployed street theatre to women and mothers from Naivasha as key messengers to prevent electoral violence.

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Kataa Kutumika! Stand for Peace!

Kataa Kutumika! Stand for Peace!

Kenya | Nakuru County

A production house raises awareness of the dangers of electoral violence, telling stories from a decade and half before.

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Mtaani Konnect

Mtaani Konnect

Kenya | Nakuru County

Young people in Naivasha, Kenya are using creative mediums to support women peacebuilders and encourage youth to prevent violence during the upcoming election period.

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Naivasha Young Turks

Naivasha Young Turks

Kenya | Nakuru County

A team from Naivasha sub-county empowered local motorcycle taxis as community messengers to raise awareness of the importance of non-violence ahead of the 2022 election.

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Our partners

The organisations and municipal governments we work with are essential to the success of the Young Cities programme. Together, we continue to effect genuine, relevant change in the communities in which we work.

Nakuru County Government

We are grateful for the support that Nakuru County Government provided for the Young Cities programme and the youth we trained. In the run-up to the general elections, the County made huge efforts to enhance the role of youth in preventing electoral violence, attending events and publicly praising their work.

Visit their website.

Youth Bila Noma

Youth Bila Noma is a youth-led and youth-focused organization whose mission is to strengthen the resilience of young people and their communities to violence through dialogue, skills development, and civic engagement. In the run-up to the 2022 elections, YBN were vital for the furtherance of peace in the region, and an important partner for Young Cities’ programming.

Visit the website.

Get In Touch

If you would like to find out more about our impact, or would like to discuss future opportunities, we would love to hear from you.

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